Glasses with Water and Orange Slices

The Social Woroscope

Unlocking The Power Of Social Media For Your Brand

At The Social Woroscope, we believe that social media marketing should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. We are dedicated to helping small businesses in the beauty and wellness industry achieve their marketing goals and grow their brands through targeted social media marketing campaigns.

Our Values

"We value knowledge, expertise, and a commitment to excellence. We take a personalised approach to social media marketing, working closely with each client to understand their unique needs and goals.

Our goal is to provide affordable and effective marketing solutions that help our clients achieve their business objectives while promoting wellness for all."

What's Our Angle Here?

Competition in the Beauty and Wellness Industry is tough especially for small business owners who are struggling to get their brands seen, heard, and patronised.

We specialise in providing tailored social media marketing solutions to these select group of business owners. Our goal is to help these brands expand their reach, attract new customers, and increase sales through targeted social media marketing campaigns.

What Are We Offering?

Social media is an ever-evolving landscape, and staying ahead of the curve can be daunting. We understand the unique challenges faced by small businesses in the beauty and wellness industry and have tailored our service offerings in response to these needs.

Woman in Black Dress Using a Silver Laptop

Social Media Management

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Woman with Palm Leaf Shadow on Skin

Content Marketing & Content Creation

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Woman in Black Tank Top Wearing Black Sunglasses

Branding & Email Marketing

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Can We Solve Your Problem?

That's a great question! Let us know if you tick any or all of the boxes below!

You struggle to differentiate your brand from your competitors within your industry

You're looking to diversify your product and service offering but don't know the best way to do so or how.

You struggle to stay up to date with the changes that happen in the ever-evolving beauty industry

You struggle to strike a balance between running your business and marketing it on social media

You have limited resources to devote to marketing and product/service development

You're struggling yo build brand awareness and make your mark in your industry and your niche

You struggle to identify and reach your own target audience due to the diversity and size of your industry

You're tired of handling everything on your own and you just want a break but don't want to quit your business

If you ticked any or all of those boxes, hi, my name is Winner. I am the CEO and Founder of The Social Woroscope, an agency created to help small businesses in the Beauty and Wellness Industry unlock the power of social media for their brand.

I was once in a your shoes as a business owner, I tried to do everything myself forgetting that I was only one person. Trying to do all that did nothing but leave me burned out, exhausted, and on the verge of quitting my business. Nothing seemed to be working and at that point, I had already started "throwing spaghetti at the wall" hoping something sticks.

If this is your current situation right now, you don't have to do it alone. Book a free consultation with me today and let's go over your business and if you're worried about the cost, we're an agency designed for small business owners with affordable packages and convenient payment methods so don't let price stop you from giving your business the structure and strategy it needs to thrive on the social landscape.

Social Media Management

This service is for you if you're not seeing results when it comes to your social media efforts. You spend time creating content and posting but you still struggle to get your message in front of your target audience

Your community does not resonate with your message and neither do they buy from you. It's time to elevate your social media with the power of the social media strategy and a brand guide to stop you from putting out content that isn't being consumed or enjoyed

What's Included?

  • Managing Your Socials
  • Feed Planning
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Profile Optimisation
  • Content Planning and Creation
  • Community Engagement
  • Caption and Hashtag Strategy
  • Monthly Reports
Portrait of a Young Woman with Pearl Beads on Hair



Winner is kind and works fast. She asks questions and really cares about your business. Her communication is clear, professional and friendly! I highly recommend getting her help with your social media and content

_ Emily J. Bell

Winner Shoniran is a great team player, knowledgeable, and open to working with all departments of an organization to achieve the right outcome. She has a great personality and work ethic. She always goes the extra mile to ensure tasks are completed on time and keeps projects moving forward. It's a pleasure to work with her.

_ Pintu Kumar

Winner was an absolute dream to work with. She listened and acted upon every suggestion made regarding the graphics and creative writing for my small business. I'm very grateful and continue to use her fantastic services.

_ Paula Coville


Social Media Manager

Let's Work Together!

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+234 090 3480 3035

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